This is a great question and one that deserves an answer because it is a really cool thing. Throughout the Bible God changed people’s names; Abram to Abraham. Sarai to Sarah, Simon to Peter and Saul to Paul.
The question we need to ask ourselves is why did God do this. God changed people’s names when they were called to a change in vocation. People received new names at the same time as they received new missions, when they were called to something greater.
In Confirmation we are called to something greater. We are made full members of the Catholic Church and are sent to witness Christ to the world. Talk about a vocation change!
We select a new name at this time to commemorate the occasion. Often times we select a saint’s name. The saints are great examples of people who took this change in vocation seriously.
I encourage you to find out more about the saint you chose for your Confirmation name. If you didn’t understand the significance of this before do so now. Take your vocation to witness Christ to the world seriously and enjoy your new identity in Christ. Allow the change of name to change your life.