This is a great question, Joanie. But the only way I can answer it authentically is to tell you the things I do with my own kids. I admit I only came up with five. But here is a list of what I do with my own children.
1- bless your kids
2- pray with them
3- read Scripture to them
4- pray for them…and let them see
5- make faith relevant
I make the Sign of the Cross on my kids’ foreheads before they leave my presence as often as I remember. In fact, before leaving for school, they line up to be blessed. I do this to remind them that God is with them when I am not and to ask God to protect them in my absence.
In our house, we mix formal and informal prayer. My kids know that we pray before we eat. They take turn saying the prayer they both learned in preschool, “Thank you God for family, friends and food.” Simple but sweet. I also encourage them to actually talk to God before going to bed. This is less formal and more conversational. This works well if they are anxious about something.
I try to tell them the story of Scripture. This only works if you know it yourself. Learn it so you can teach your kids. Then talk about the story. This is natural for kids and they love a good story. We are part of the Greatest Story Ever Told. Include them in it.
The best thing you can do for your kids is to let them see you pray. Kids know when you aren’t being authentic. They will see through you if it is a show. It has got to matter to you if it is going to matter to them.
Making faith relevant is difficult. Many kids feel that faith is what you do on Sunday or when you actually go to Church. They aren’t interested in that. It has to be a natural part of your conversations. This can be done while you watch the news. I have had conversations with my kids about what they have seen others doing. I try to explain that we do things differently in our house because we have faith. I would love to see more resources for parents on making faith relevant. In fact, I’ve made it my life’s work. Stayed tuned for Gracieland. My prayer is that it helps in this area.