Theme 7: Care of God’s Creation
We have talked a great deal about caring for each other as part of God’s family. Students also need to be aware of this requirement of our faith: to care for creation. I would take the opportunity to ask students what environmental issues plagues us today. Answers could include: global warming, drilling for oil, protection of wildlife etc.
I would make students aware of the need to protect the resources God has given us. I would brainstorm ways the class could become involved with protecting their school environment.
The last thing I would address before concluding the series on Catholic Social Teachings is the responsibility of voting with an informed conscience. Students should realize through this study of the Church’s position that no candidate lines up perfectly with the Church’s standards. I would encourage them to ask their parents why they choose to vote the way they do. I would explain to them that this is a life-long responsibility: to vote for people who align themselves as closely as possible to the Church’s teachings. I would leave them with the realization of how fortunate they are to belong to a Church that doesn’t change its policies to reflect public opinion or to align itself with a particular candidate. They have been given access to Truth and should measure all they do and support against this Truth. That is truly a gift.